Working Spouse Verification
The adoption of working spouse provisions, such as a spouse surcharge or carve out/exclusion, continues to be a valuable benefit modification when working to reduce expenses and improve plan performance.
Generate 30+% Participation In Your Working Spouse Rule
Rising healthcare costs have sparked a new interest in the inclusion of “working spouse” rules. These provisions mitigate some or all of the cost associated with providing healthcare coverage for a dependent spouse who has coverage through his or her respective employer. However, oftentimes these provisions experience poor participation due to a lack of verification of the spouse’s access to other coverage. The end result is a cost-containment initiative that fails to realize its maximum effectiveness.
Sample Savings Scenario
Spouses Enrolled
Exclusion Rule
Working Spouse Provisions
Conversion Rate
Average Annual Cost per Spouse
Spouses Converted
First Year Savings
Directly Confirm Coverage With Employers
By relying on the actual confirmation of other coverage with the spouse’s employer, Consova’s working spouse verification solution goes the extra mile to assuage cost and mitigate risk for employer-sponsored health plans, regardless of the type of provision. Through enhanced enforcement of these provisions, our clients realize over 300% greater program participation on average in the established working spouse rule and thus offset more of the risk and liability of spousal dependents.

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Recent Clients
Consova is dedicated to the goal of driving unnecessary costs out of healthcare. Working with household names like Nokia, Sony, Sprint and many others, Consova has delivered over a billion dollars in healthcare savings to our clients.